listen through your heart

  • welcome

    If you are longing for more love and peace in your life it must first come from within. This podcast brings light to that which was previously dark. It helps to shed the layers that are no longer serving you.

    It is a platform to illuminate ways in which we can guide ourselves into loving ourselves on a deeper level no matter where we are on our journey.

  • jess sanchez

    Sara sits down with Toronto based artist to shed some light on her personal self love journey, the strength of softening and pausing, and finding space to listen to your inner guidance. Tune in as Sara and Jess explore how movement, meditation and self love can deepen our relationship to ourselves and the world around us.

  • self love lesson // listen to your body

    When we make space to quiet our mind, we can begin to deepen our practice to listen to our body. It is when we do not pay attention that we end up in a place of discomfort or shame and ask ourselves "how did I get here?"

    In this episode, Sara shares a personal healthy journey and how she was able to slow down and figure out what her body was trying to tell her.

    If we listen to the little whispers from our body, we can begin to understand why certain things are happening and what they are trying to tell us.

  • meditation // Remembering Who You Are

    This episode invites you back to yourself - to soften your edges and connect with your heart. To knit the pieces of yourself back together. Remember the truth of who you are.

  • cameron chase

    Cameron Chase is an activist and creative based in Toronto Canada. In this episode, Sara and Cameron dive deep into the harmful myths and misinformation surrounding HIV, and the individual power we have to change the narrative. Cameron shares parts of his inspiring personal journey, and some of the highs and lows he has experienced over the last few years.

    Tune in as Sara and Cameron explore what it means to be an activist, the stigma surrounding HIV, and how each curse brings us a blessing.